Here’s A Toast To Your New Year’s Resolutions!

As the saying goes: new year, new you right? Heading into the new year, people are always encouraged to use January as an opportunity for a fresh start when it comes to setting new intentions and developing healthy habits. However by the time February rolls around, these new intentions can fall to the leeway whether it’s due to obstacles or just life itself. Here’s some things to tell yourself to help prevent this from happening in 2024 when it comes to your health-related resolutions:

  • Focus On Making Gradual Changes: Instead of just deciding to completely transform your lifestyle overnight, focus on small changes you can accomplish and then build upon that. For example instead of just making it a goal to eat healthier, you can make it a goal to opt for whole grains over refined grains or eat fresh fruit as a daily snack. This makes overall change more sustainable and will prevent burnout. 

  • Set Specific Goals: On the same token rather than setting vague resolutions such as “eat healthy”, try being very specific about what you want to do such as “I will eat more vegetables with my dinner meals” or “I will go on 10 minute walks 3 times a week”. This will keep you more focused on what you are aiming to do and make it easier to track progress. 

  • Remember Good Things Take Time: As mundane as it may sound, consistency is truly key when it comes to turning your new year’s resolutions into healthy habits. You may remember being told it takes 21 days to form a habit. Well as it turns out, this number is arbitrary. The most important thing you can do with resolutions is keep them a part of your routine even if there are days it does feel like a drag in the beginning. And if something isn’t working for you, don’t be afraid to adapt. For instance, if you set a goal to give up all pasta heading into 2024 but find that close to impossible, shift your focus to maybe cutting back on the frequency you’re eating pasta or switching up the type of pasta you’re eating instead. And a point I cannot stress enough: do not be embarrassed to try again at your resolution if some time passes without your new habit taking place. Life happens, and sometimes some time off can give you rejuvenated energy to focus on your new healthy habit. 

  • Seek Out Support: Another key to consistency is surrounding yourself with the right support. Think about people in your life who will be able to provide you with ongoing encouragement and accountability while you are working on your resolutions. If you would like to build out your support system even further, online communities are also a great option. Or maybe even working with a health coach like myself?

  • Just Get Started!: Right about now you are probably rolling your eyes at me right because this is easier said than done. But it is the truth. The process is never going to be perfect so the best thing you can do is just get the process started. This quote by Joe Sabah sums it up perfectly: “You don’t have to be good to start…you just have to start to be good”. While brainstorming what you want to do when it comes to resolutions is great, you have to get started with working on the resolution. 

I hope these words helped and resonated going into 2024. Here’s some more that can do the trick too: have fun when it comes to forming new healthy habits. And make sure to celebrate your little wins as well. Here’s to a happy and healthy new year! 


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